Agriculture and Food Security

SAFWCO > Agriculture and Food Security

Agriculture and Food Security

Projects under this theme primarily focus on building and strengthening technologically the capacity of small women and men farmers to increase farm production have easy access to inputs and mainstream them into the social safety nets. The actions under this thematic area provide target farmers the required quality inputs, modern agriculture technology, capacity building for appropriate use of inputs, land and water management, land reclamation, investment in dairy farming and linkages with the government and private services and credit facilities. This integrated approach enables the target farmers to have increased farm produce. Land management and use of quality/certified seeds leads to quick and increased germination; the crops will have higher degree of immunity to pests and diseases caused by various pathogens. This implies healthy crops with increased fruit. Easy access to and reduced cost of inputs will definitely mean increased area under cultivation that will ultimately giving way to increased production. The use of modern agriculture technology will reduce soil losses increasing its fertility, reduced water losses ensuring more water for irrigation, proper processing of seeds and grain leading to reduced losses.